I.S.P.C.A. | ispca.ie
D.S.P.C.A. | dscpa.ie
Department of Health and Welfare | agriculture.gov.ie
Department for Agriculture Animal Cruelty Helpline | 016072379
Leinster Horse and Pony Rescue | leinsterhorseandponyrescue.com
My Lovely Horse Rescue | mylovelyhorserescue.com
The Donkey Sanctuary | thedonkeysanctuary.ie
Kildare Animal Foundation | animalfoundation.ie
Seal Rescue Ireland | sealrescueireland.org
Galway and Claddagh Swan Rescue | Facebook
National Animal Rights Association| naracampaigns.org
Animal Health and Welfare Act 2013 | irishstatutebook.ie
Connacht Hunt Saboteurs | Facebook
Association of Hunt Saboteurs | Facebook
R.I.P.S. | Facebook